Monday 5 December 2011

Name Change Express Giveaway

    So, I don’t know how many of you out there are considering bulk prom dresses  changing your name, but let me tell you that it is NOT an easy task! First you have to decide WHAT you are doing with your name. Are you taking his last name? Are you hyphenating? Are you making a new last name that is a hybrid of your two last names…. something that can be a challenge to do well, to say the least.?
   And then there is getting the word out there. I have a past clientfriend (that’s what they are called, btw, once the wedding is over- Clientfriends) who months later still needs to end every email with “Please Note my new last name….” and that’s just inter-office.? There is the DMV, passport office, bills, and more. All the reason to consider using a name-change service.? They make it easy and tend to gather and consolidate all of your information giving, and sending into one convenient place…. well at least that is what Name Change Express does. And as a plus, they don’t require you to submit tons buy prom dresses  of personal information online, minimizing exposure to your identity. So, we are giving away 2 Name Change Express packages worth $30 each.? ]
      Simply leave a comment below, and the person who leaves the 10th comment will automatically win one of the packages.? The 2nd package will go to the commenter with the most unique hybrid name of your first and last names (whether you intend on using it or not… you know I’m cheap prom dresses  always open to a good joke!)?? I’m going to keep this contest open until Friday… so you can ponder what new and ridiculous last name you can create together over Turkey day.? Or you can just try and leave the 10th comment. Please don’t comment more than once ladies!

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